FARM MACHINE, formerly Machine of the Year, has been the most coveted award in the agricultural machinery industry since 1997. It is awarded every two years during AGRITECHNICA in Hanover, Germany, by the trade magazine traction.
November 14, 2023 at the H’UP Hanover
In 13 categories, the agricultural technology editors of the trade magazines agrarheute, traction, Agrartechnik, Bayerisches Landwirtschaftliches Wochenblatt and Land & Forst, together with international colleagues from ten countries, award prizes for new products and innovations in agricultural technology.
In addition, users will vote online in advance to determine who will win the coveted audience award. Voting will be possible from October 9 here on farmmachine.eu.
Who will win this year? We will find out in November at AGRITECHNICA 2023.
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The Award
20 years of presenting the best machines.
YOU decide who wins this category. Join and vote for the Audience Choice Award!
Winners 2024
The best FARM MACHINES of 2024 have been determined. These are our twelve winners of each category.
Learn who supports FARM MACHINE in 2024.
The Finalists
Vote for your favorite for the title of FARM MACHINE 2024 and win great prizes!
We are giving away a trip to the Claas company in Harsewinkel with a factory tour, tractor pulling and overnight stay in a four-star hotel among all voting participants. Further prizes: models of modern agricultural technology as well as pedal bulldogs etc.
Now participate and win. You can vote for your favorite agricultural technology once a day. Toi Toi Toi